Home Base Living | Condos

Home Base Living Condos


A new take on sustainable living.


Thanks to our formidable green building technique and breathtaking panoramic views of the Charlotte Sports Park, Home Base Living offers you something that no other Port Charlotte home plan could offer. Located in the heart of Charolette County, along with incredibly beautiful Charolette Sports Park, we offer a unique location for those looking to live in a new and vibrant community, with easy access to the rest of the city.



Homes that are built to last.

  • Protect your family from hurricanes and fire with HYBRID CONSTRUCTION.

    Structures in 100% American steel, which is much more profitable, non-flammable, and has excellent properties such as great durability, sustainability and performance.

  • Save money efficiently by taking advantage of the thermal properties of steel frame plus lightweight concrete.

    Obtain maximum comfort naturally, reducing energy use and carbon emissions, prioritizing the environment through the use of renewable energy.

  • Protect the forests and ecosystems of many wild species, with structures 99% WOOD-FREE that use the steel from 6 scrapped cars, instead of the wood from 50 felled trees.

    Take care of the environment and animal life with security. It’s what we call, purpose-built construction.



Homebase Condos

Condo A



Square Footage
1,055 SF + 279 SF Balcony



Condo B



Square Footage
1,055 SF + 300 SF Balcony



Condo C



Square Footage
1,269 SF + 300 SF Balcony



A closer look inside.



  • Magical moments, lots of fun, and entertainment outdoors, is what you can get in these spectacular spaces. Enjoy the good weather, breathe pure air, cook the best BBQ, and even tan your skin while watching on live, games of your favorite sport and the Tampa Bay Rays training, is something difficult to equalize.

  • The strength, vigor, energy and vitality that you lose with the efforts of urban life will return to you. An oasis in the midst of contemporary stress.

    Imagine a work out outdoors and then relax in a wellness center full of nature.

  • The Outdoor Recreation and Wellness Center, adjacent to the nature center, offers a wide range of outdoor activities.

    A place where you can properly manage your physical and mental health, while deepening your process of awareness with the environment.

    You will recover from the exhaustion of daily, hectic and modern life, obtaining a balance between your body and your emotions.

  • Magical moments, lots of fun, and entertainment outdoors, is what you can get in these spectacular terraces. Enjoy the good weather, breathe pure air, cook the best BBQ, and even tan your skin while watching on live, games of your favorite sport and the Tampa Bay Rays training, is something difficult to equalize.


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