Our Why

Our Journey


Homes for Healthy Modern Living

Shortly after our wedding in 2013, we set out to improve our person health. We’ve since made many diet & lifestyle changes that have drastically improved the quality of our lives & now, the lives of our young children. This led to the creation of our lifestyle brand EatMoverRest.com - based on the premise that you can drastically increase your quality of life, & improve your health, by simply doing these three things we all do everyday, BETTER!

After Max & Liv we born, we realized that our environment ALSO played a huge role in our overall health, so we started looking closer at the space we spend most of our time: OUR HOME! At the time, living in a 50 year old home, meant there were A LOT of things we needed to examen. How clean is our water? Are we breathing clean air? What about building materials, old insulation, rusty pipes, led paint, asbestos etc??

To be honest, we were a bit freaked out by what we found, so we set out to find the right air & water purifiers, the right EMF blocking gadgets, indoor gardens, & more. We even started remodeling & replaced carpet with sustainable bamboo floors, updated appliances, added water saving toilets, & while many of these things have helped, they were just bandaids on the old bones of our dates house… We needed to start fresh!

In 2020, we set out to find the right builder, in the right area who could offer just what we needed. With no luck back home, & a failed attempt in California, we stumbled upon a builder in Southwest Florida who is just starting to offer what we wanted for our family… After spending some months in the area & meeting with the builder, we agreed to purchase their first home! Quickly recognizing how we could help each other change the world, we teamed up - enter E-Homes by Eat Move Rest!

We are offering not only eco friendly & sustainably built, GREEN CERTIFIED homes at a great price, we are ensuring these homes come fully EQUIPPED with everything your home needs for healthy modern living. Oh, did we mention they are in sub tropical Florida - bonus?!

As mentioned before, we believe in order to truly be healthy, we need to move beyond what’s on our plate & examen the SPACES we are spending our time IN. We need to be breathing clean air, drinking the right water, producing our own CLEAN energy, growing our own food, sleeping on clean mattresses, ALL while mitigating things like EMF’s & radiation. Its sounds like a lot, but we’ve got it all covered!

Similar to improving our own personal health, we believe its not only possible but necessary to start incorporating healthier practices when it comes to our homes. The future of our health, our childrens health, & the health of our environment all relies on the decisions we make now. The healthy choice needs to be the easy one, so we are committed to making the process of building your dream home an easy, & exciting one!

-Dusty & Erin Stanczyk

Start building your new home today!